GlutealArmonic® is a smooth-surfaced implant with a harmonic shape specifically designed for augmenting and sculpting the buttocks for a full yet natural-looking appearance.
It is filled with ProgressiveGel® Contour, a version of our proprietary gel specially formulated to complement the relatively muscled gluteal area.
A Harmonic Shape Designed for Gluteal Augmentation
About GlutealArmonic®
A smooth-surfaced implant, filled with our proprietary ProgressiveGel® Contour, to sculpt and augment the gluteal area for firm and harmonic buttocks.
Benefits of GlutealArmonic®
Blue radiopaque lines and dots on the implant guide the surgeon in properly orienting it during placement and visually indicate the implant’s position during X-ray follow-ups to ensure everything has stayed in place.
Shapely, sculpted glutes, for a full yet natural-looking appearance. It is filled with ProgressiveGel® Contour, a version of our proprietary gel specially formulated to complement the relatively muscled gluteal area.
GlutealArmonic® is a smooth-surfaced implant with a harmonic shape specifically designed for augmenting and sculpting the buttocks.
Your Journey with Motiva®
Find a Motiva® Surgeon
If you are considering a breast augmentation, whatever your unique reason is for wanting one, we believe in empowering women to take control of their health choices. Through our Center Locator, you can connect with a certified Motiva® surgeon close to you, filtered by your needs and goals.
Select a Motiva® Implant
You have right to know about your options and choose for yourself. Based on your individual anatomy and base tissue, you and your surgeon will find the perfect match between the types of implants (Motiva® Round, Ergonomix®, or Anatomical TrueFixation®) and projection options (Mini, Demi, Full, Corsé) available to you, paired with one of our designed surgeries to better fit your needs.
Go Through Your Gluteal Augmentation1
Preparing for your surgery and following clear instructions provided by your surgeon can not only help receive optimal results but also a speedy recovery. Understanding the recovery process can help you plan your surgery around your lifestyle and allow you to understand what to expect after your surgery.
Register Your Implants
You’re literally only one step away from:
- Verifying your true Motiva® Implants
- Keeping your implant credentials digital and hassle-free
- 20 years of confidence in your decision!
Registering your implants is for your own peace of mind and years of confidence in your decision. You have a 90-day window after surgery to do it. We’ll walk you through it with you!
Post-Op and Recovery1
When it comes to recovery from breast augmentation, closely following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is critical to avoiding unwanted side effects and ensuring your new breasts heal correctly. Each person heals at their own pace, so take it easy, be a patient patient, and avoid rushing into anything – you don’t want to undo all your surgeon’s hard work!
Surgeries Designed for You

Safety, innovation & patient centricity
As a concept created by and unique to Motiva®, breast optimization is about creating a positive, empowering experience for women to collaborate with their surgeons in customizing their desired breast look and feel, using the very best that technological innovation has to offer and a solid foundation of clinical and scientific research.